Daily vocabulary

2021 - 2022 School Year

Unit 2
Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance
1) Principles of Segregation
2) Principle of Independent Assortment

Chapter 8; The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance  (started on January 24, 2022)
Vocabulary covered in class on Monday, Jan.24th. ; Asexual reproduction, binary fission, parthenogenesis, fertilization, haploid number and diploid number.)

February 1, 2022
1) Translocation
2) Inversion

January 31, 2022
1) Genetic Recombination
2) Karyotype 
(Additional vocabulary words explained in class: allele and locus/loci)

January 28, 2022
1) non-disjunction
2) chiasma
3) synapsis

January 27, 2022
1) Meiosis
2) Crossing Over
(The following words are important for the understanding of the chapter: somatic cells, germ cells, homologous chromosomes, gametes, zygote, and autosomes)

January 26, 2022
1) Kinetochore
2) Centrosome
3) Anchorage dependent
4) Density dependent inhibition
(Although not included in the general vocabulary the following for important words to know:
Tumor, benign, malignant, and metastasis)

January 25, 2022
1) Mitosis
2) Chromatin
3) Chromosomes
4) Sister chromatid.

Chapter 7: Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food ( Starts on January 4, 2022)
(PowerPoint lecture started on January 6, 2022)

January 13, 2022
1) C3 Plants
2) C4 plants
3) CAM plants

1) Photorespiration
2) Rubisco: Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase, commonly known by the abbreviations RuBisCorubisco,[1 an enzyme involved in the first major step of carbon fixation, a process by which atmospheric carbon dioxide is converted by plants and other photosynthetic organisms to energy-rich molecules such as glucose.

January 10, 2022
1) Reaction center
3) Photophosphorylation
4) Photolysis

January 7, 2022
1) Light reaction
2) Calvin Cycle
3) Electromagnetic energy  (ROY G BIV)
4) Photon

January 6, 2022

1) Producer (autotroph)
2) Consumer (heterotroph
3) Stomata
4) Thylakoid membrane
5) Grana
6) Stroma

Chapter 6:How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy( Starts on November 15. 2021)

December 2, 2021

1) Strict aerobe
2) Facultative anaerobe
November 29, 2021
1) Alcoholic fermentation
2) Lactic acid fermentation

November 18, 2021
1) Chemiosmosis
2) Hydrolysis
3) Krebs Cycle
4) (Intermediates) Optional- just know the meaning as it relates to the topic.

November 17, 2021
1) NAD +
2) Dehydrogenation

November 16, 2021
1) Calorie
2) Calorimeter
3)  REDOX Reaction
Knowledge of ATP and ADP are needed for this chapter

Chapter 5: The Working Cell (Starts on October 27, 2021)

November 4, 2021
1) Phagocytosis
2) Pinocytosis
3) Receptor mediated endocytosis
4) Hypercholesterolemia  

November 3, 2021
1) Hypertonic solution
2) Hypotonic solution
3) Isotonic solution
4) Active transport

November 2, 2021
1) Selectively permeable
2) Impermeable
3) Diffusion
4) Concentration gradient
5) Osmosis

November 1, 2021
1) Competitive inhibitor
2) Non-competitive inhibitor
3) Co-enzyme
4) Cofactor
5) Negative feedback

October 28, 2021
1) Endergonic reaction
2) Exergonic reaction
3) ATP ( Adenosine triphosphate)
4) Energy of activation/ activation energy.

October 27, 2021
1) Enzymes
2) Denaturation.  (Numbers 1 and 2 were already covered during chp. 4 but very important for this chapter.)
3) Substrate
4) Active site.

Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cells (Starts on October 12, 2021

October 19, 2021
1) Endomembrane system
2) Endosymbiont Theory (Endosymbiosis)
3) Chromatin

October 12, 2021
1) Resolving power
2) Eukaryotic cells 
3) Prokaryotic cells.

Chapter 3 Vocabulary
1) Hydrogenation
2) Active site
3) Substrate 
( Atherosclerosis) 

September 29, 2021
1) Indicator 

September 28, 2021
1) Dehydration synthesis
2) Hydrolysis
3) Enzymes
4) Denaturation

September 24, 2021 First day of Chapter 3 Vocabulary.
1) Organic compounds
2) Isomers
3) Hydrophilic 
4) Hydrophobic

Chapter 2 Vocabulary

September 20, 2021
1) Buffer

September 17. 2021
1) Heat
2) Temperature

(Again study all the words in bold from 10th grade Chemistry.  They can be found on pages 26 and 27)

Know the definition of the words in bold types on pages 19 - 22
The following words will be included in those to be collected and graded;
1) Polar molecule
2) Non polar molecule
3) Polar covalent bond
4) Cohesion
5) Adhesion. 

2020 - 2021 School Year

May 26, 2021  (Start of Chapter 10)
June 3, 2021
1) Lytic cycle
2) Lysogenic cycle
3) Prophage
4) Provirus
5) Retrovirus
6) HIV
7) AIDS.

June 2, 2021
1) Anticodon
2) tRNA
3) DNA polymerase
4) RNA polymerase
5) DNA ligase
6) Exon
7) Intron
8) Mutagen

Chapter 10 May 26, 2021
1) DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
2) RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
3) Nucleic acid
4) Nucleotide 
5) Codon
6) Bacteriophage (also called phages)

May 20, 2021
1) Sex-linked or X-linked gene
2) Pleiotropy
3) Polygenic inheritance
4) Monoecious
5) Hermaphroditic 
6) Amniocentesis
7) Chorionic Villus Sampling
8) Linked gene

May 17, 2021
1) Dihybrid cross
2) True breeding
3) Testcross
May 13, 2021
1) hybrid
2) Purebred
May 12, 2021
1) Alleles

May 11, 2021
1) Crossing over
2) Synapsis
3) Tetrad
4) Chiasma
5) Non-disjunction
6) Genetic recombination
7) Translocation ( There are two different definitions in the text.  Use the second one for this chp.)
8) Locus / Loci 
9) Principle of Independent Assortment

May 10, 2021
(All the words covered in class today during the none PowerPoint section are also important.)
1) Germ Cells
2) Autosomes
3) Benign tumor
4) Malignant tumor
5) Metastasize
6) Meiosis

May 7, 2021
1) Cytokinesis

May 5, 2021
1) Chromatin
2) chromosome
3) Sister chromatid
4) Centromere
5) Kinetochore

April 30, 2021
All the words discussed during class today are important for the understanding of the chapter.

April 28, 2021
2) RuBP (Ribulose bisphosphate)
3) Rubisco (Rubilose-1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase)
4) Photorespiration
5) G3P (Glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate) 

April 27, 2021
1) photon
2) electromagnetic spectrum

Chapter 7: Photosynthesis (Starts on April 26, 2021)
1) Autotroph/producers
2) heterotroph/consumers
3) thylakoid
4) stroma
5) stomata

Fourth Quarter starts April 12, 2021.  Below are the vocabulary for chapter 6: Cellular Respiration.

The following words were given during the end of second quarter.  Please include them with chapter 6 submission.

 1) Calorie
2) basal metabolic rate (BMR)
3) metabolic rate

April 19, 2021
1) obligate anaerobes
2) facultative anaerobes
3) Chemiosmosis
4) oxidative phosphorylation
5) ATP synthase

For the week of April 12, 2021
1) Glycolysis
2) Kreb's Cycle
3) Intermediates
4) FAD
5) ATP 
6) ADP 
7) Aerobic respiration
8) anaerobic respiration
9) REDOX reaction
10) NAD+
11) Substrate level phosphorylation

Third Quarter starts January 25, 2021
March 19, 2021
1) Lytic cycle
2) Lysogenic cycle
3) virus
4) capsid
5) prophage
6) HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus)
7) AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
8) Retrovirus
9) Reverse transcriptase

Chapter 10: Molecular Biology of the Gene Start March 11, 2021
March 17, 2021
1) Anticodon
2) Promoter
3) Terminator
4) Exon
5) Intron

March 15, 2021
1) mRNA
2) rRNA
3) tRNA
4) DNA polymerase
5) RNA polymerase
6) DNA ligase
7) transcription
8) translation

March 12, 2021
1) DNA  (deoxyribonucleic acid)
2) RNA (ribonucleic acid)
3) Codons
4) bacteriophage
Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance

March 8, 2021
1) Linked gene
2) Pleiotropy
3) Polygenic inheritance 

March 4, 2021
1) Sex-linked or X-linked genes
2) Amniocentesis
3) Chorionic villus sampling

March 3, 2021
1) Dihybrid Cross
2) Principles of Independent assortment

March 1, 2021
1) Hybrid
2) True breeding
3) Monohybrid cross
4) Cross pollination
5) Codominance
6) Incomplete dominance

Start of Unit 2 Chapter 8: The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance February 19, 2021
February 25, 2021
1) Translocation. 

February 24, 2021
1) Non-disjunction
2) trisomy 21
3) Karyotyping

February 23, 2021 
1) Allele
2) Locus (Plural Loci)
3) Crossing over
4) Chiasma (plural chiasmata or chiasmas)
5) Autosome
( Words from the discussion today should be remembered: homozygous, heterozygous, genotype, phenotype) 

February 22, 2021
1) Kinetochore
2) benign tumor
3) malignant tumor
4) metastasis
(The definition of the following words are straight forward and I believe you can understand them from the discussions in class.  You will need to remember the definitions but you won't need to write them down for your vocab submission: Gamete, somatic (body) cells, and cytokinesis.
1) Binary fission
2) Parthenogenesis 
3) Zygote
4) Chromosomes 
5) Chromatin 
6) Sister Chromatid.
7) Homologous chromosomes
8) Diploid number (2N)
9) Haploid number (n)

February 3, 2021 Start of Chapter 7 - Using Light to Make Food

February 10, 2021
1) C3 plants
2) C4 plants
3) CAM plants
4) photorespiration

February 9, 2021
1) Photosystem
2) Photophosphorylation
3) Wavelength 
4) NADP+
Words that are common to both cellular respiration and photosynthesis such as chemiosmosis will not be included in chapter 7 vocabulary.  However, you will still need to remember the meaning.

February 8, 2021

1) Photosynthesis
2) Autotroph/producer
3) heterotroph / consumers
4) Stomata (singular stoma)
5) Thylakoid membrane
6) grana (singular granum)
7) stroma
8) Electromagnetic spectrum
9) Photon

Chapter 6 vocabulary ended on February 1, 2021.

February 1, 2021
1) obligate anaerobes
2) facultative anaerobes

January 28, 2021
1) Chemiosmosis
2) oxidative phosphorylation
3) ATP synthase

January 27, 2021
1) Glycolysis
2) Kreb's Cycle
2) Intermediates
3) FAD
4) ATP 
5) ADP 

January 26, 2021
1) Aerobic respiration
2) anaerobic respiration
3) REDOX reaction
4) NAD+
5) Substrate level phosphorylation

Second Quarter November 2020
January 14, 2021  (Start of Chapter 6. We will resume in April when second quarter starts up again.
1) Calorie
2) basal metabolic rate (BMR)
3) metabolic rate
4) aerobic 
5) anaerobic.

January 8, 2021
1) facilitated diffusion
2) Passive transport
3) Active transport
4) Exocytosis
5) Endocytosis
6) Phagocytosis
7) Pinocytosis
8) Receptor-mediated endocytosis
9) Hypercholesterolemia
January 7, 2021
1) Diffusion
2) Osmosis
3) Isotonic solution
4) Hypertonic solution
5) Hypotonic solution.

January 5, 2021
6) Active site
7) Phosphorylation 

January 4, 2021  (Happy New Year)
1) Enzymes
2) Energy of activation / Activation energy
3) substrate
4) denaturation.

Chapter 5: The Working Cell  ( Chapter starts December 16th)
December 17, 2020
1) The First Law of Thermodynamics
2) The Second Law of Thermodynamics. 
3) Endergonic reactions
4) Exergonic Reactions
(You are expected to remember the definitions of kinetic and potential energy)

December 16, 2020
1) permeable
2) Selectively permeable
3) Impermeable.

Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell.  Start vocab for the chapter on December 8, 2020
1) Prokaryotic cell
2) Eukaryotic cell
3) Organelles.
( You are also expected to memorize the functions of the different organelles.  Those organelles will be turned in separately from the vocabulary.)

Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells. Starts on November 17th.

December 1, 2020
1) Atherosclerosis
2) saturated hydrocarbons
3) unsaturated hydrocarbons

November 20, 2020
1) hydrophilic
2) hydrophobic

November 19, 2020
1) Denaturation
2) Enzymes
3) dehydration synthesis
4) Hydrolysis

1) Organic compounds
2) Hydrogen carbons
3) Isomers

Chapter 2 Vocabulary Words

Refresh your memory of the following:
Atomic number, mass number and isotopes
Additional vocabulary
1) ionic bond
2) covalent bond
3) polar molecule
4) non-polar molecule
5) Cohesion
6) Adhesion
7) pH
10) ions

October 19, 2020
1) Endocytosis
2) exocytosis
3) pinocytosis
4) phagocytosis
5) receptor-mediated endocytosis
6) hypercholesterolemia

October 16, 2020
1) Phosphorylation
2) Diffusion
3) Osmosis
4) Passive transport
5) Isotonic solution
6) Hypotonic solution
7) Hypertonic solution.

October 14, 2020
1) Energy of activation or activation energy
2) active site
3) substrate
4) cofactor
5) coenzyme
6) competitive inhibitor
7) non-competitive inhibitor
Other words about enzymes, such as denaturation
October 13, 2020
Start of Chapter 5: The Working Cell
Words from October 1st and 2nd are relevant for this chapter.
1) Exergonic reaction
2) Endergonic reaction
3) First Law of Thermodynamics
4) Second Law of Thermodynamics
5) Adenosine triphosphate. 
October 2. 2020
1) permeable
2) selectively permeable
3) Impermeable
October 1, 2020
Start of Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell
1) Prokaryotic cell
2) Eukaryotic cell 
September 23, 2020
1) Indicator- a chemical compound that changes color and structure when exposed to certain     
                        conditions and is useful for chemical test; a substance that confirms the presence of                         another substance.
2) Denaturation
3) Atherosclerosis

September 22, 2020
1) hydrophilic molecules
2) hydrophobic molecules
3)Saturated hydrocarbon
4) unsaturated hydrocarbon

September 18, 2020 Start of Chapter 3
Start of chapter 3  Vocabulary words- September 18th) 
1) Organic compounds
2) hydrocarbons
3) isomers
4) dehydration synthesis
5) hydrolysis

September 11, 2020
 Review words such as proton, neutrons, electrons, isotopes (Basic words from chemistry related to the atoms)
1) Polar molecule
2) Non-polar molecule
3) Cohesion
4) Adhesion.
2019 - 2020 School Year 
March 6, 2020
1) Capsid
2) Retrovirus
3) Lytic cycle
4) Lysogenic cycle
5) Prophage
March 5, 2020
1) Translocation
2 Mutation
3) Mutagen
4) Missense mutation
5) Nonsense mutation
Numbers 3 and 4 are not in the textbook.  You will find the definition in the photocopied chapter.
March4, 2020
1) Exon
2) Intron
March 4, 2020
1) Promotor
2) Terminator
3) DNA polymerase
4) DNA ligase
5) anticodon
6) mRNA
7) rRNA

March 2, 2020
1) Nucleotide

February 28, 2020
1) Transcription
2) Translation
3) Codon
February 27, 2020 ( Start of Chapter 10)
1) Virus
2) Bacteriophage
3) Nucleic Acid
4) DNA 
5) RNA
Second Semester.  The vocabulary from January 7, 2020 will be needed for the remainder of the chapter and for chapter 9th.
February 20, 2020
1) Wild Type
2) Linked gene
3) Monoecious
4) Hermaphroditic 

February 19, 2020
1) pleiotropy
2) Polygenic inheritance
3) Polyploidy
February 10, 2020
 1) Sex-linked or X-linked traits
2) Pleiotropy
3) Polygenic inheritance
4) Test cross.
February 4, 2020
1) Codominance
2) Incomplete Dominance 
3) Amniocentesis
4) Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) 
February 3, 2020
1) Monohybrid cross
2) Dihybrid cross 

Start of Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance.
January 30, 2020
1) Locus/ Loci - plural
2) True breeding
3) Hybrid
4) Genotype
5) Phenotype 

January 29, 2020
1) Chiasma
2) Genetic recombination ( The words below relate to mistakes during crossing over # 3 and 4
3) Inversion                         plus deletion and duplication. Deletion and duplication will not be
4) Translocation                  counted in the vocab.)

January 28, 2020
1) Crossing over
2) Non-Disjunction
3) Karyotype  

January 27, 2020

1) Homologous chromosomes
2) Meiosis
3) Germ Cells
4) autosomes.
Chapter 8: The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance (Start on January 7, 2020
January 15, 2020
1) Centromere
2) Cell cycle
3) Somatic cell/body cell
4) Parthenogenesis
January 14, 2020
1) density dependence inhibition
2) anchorage dependence

January 13, 2020
1) Chromatin
2) Chromosome
3) Sister chromatids
January 9, 2020
1) Asexual Reproduction
2) Sexual reproduction
3) Binary fission
4) Zygote
5) Fertilization
6) Mitosis 
Janauary 7, 2020 ( These words are also relevant for the unit on Genetic
1) Gamete
2) haploid cell
3) Diploid cell 

Chapter 7: Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food ( Started on 11/ 21/19
December 6, 2019
1) C3 Plants
2) C4 Plants
3) CAM Plants 
December 5, 2019
1) Ribulose biphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco)
2) Ribulose 1, 5 Biphosphate (RuBP)
3)  Photorespiration

December 4, 2019
1) Reaction center
2) Photosystem

December 3, 2019
1) Photon
2) Photophosphorylation

November 22, 2019
1) Thylakoid membrane
2) stroma
3) granum/ grana
4) light dependent reaction
5) light independent reaction or Calvin Cycle
6) Electromagnetic Energy  

November 21, 2019
1) Stomata /stoma
2) mesophyll cell
3) carbon fixation
Chapter 6: How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy ( From November 6, 2019)
November 13, 2019
1) alcoholic fermentation
2) Lactic acid fermentation
3) strict aerobe
4) facultative anaerobe.
November 12, 2019
 1) Electron transport chain
2) ATP Synthase
3) Glycolysis
4) The Krebs Cycle 

November 8, 2019
1) Dehydrogenase
2) NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.)
3) FAD  ( flavin adenine dinucleotide )
4) Substrate level phosphorylation
5) Intermediates
6) chemiosmosis

7) autotroph (producers)
8) heterotroph ( consumers) 

November 7 2019
1) Aerobic reaction
2) Anaerobic reaction
1) calorie
2) Kilocalorie
3) Redox reaction
4) Oxidation reaction
5) Reduction reaction.  

Chapter 5; The Working Cell( From 10/23/2019)
October 30, 2019
1) Passive transport
2) Active transport
3) Isotonic solution
4) Hypertonic solution
5) Hypotonic solution
October 29, 2019
1) Selectively permeable
2) Impermeable 
3) Diffusion
4) Osmosis
October 28, 2019
1) Energy of Activation or activation energy
2) Active site
3) Substrate
4) Cofctor
5) Coenzyme
6) Competitive inhibitor
7) noncompetitive inhibitor
October 24, 2019
1) Adenosine triphosphate ( ATP) 
2) Energy Coupling
3) Phosphorylation
October 23, 2019
1) Enzymes
2) Catalyst
3) First Law of Thermodynamics
4) Second Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 4: A Tour of the Cell (From 10/9/19)
October 15, 2019
1) centriole
2) plasmodesma 
October 14, 2019
 1) Microfilament
2) Intermediate filament
3) Microtubule

October 10, 2019
1) Cellular Metabolism
(not done in class to save time
to teach the functions of all the organelles)
October 9, 2019
1) Resolving Power
2) Prokaryotic cell
3) Eukaryotic Cell
4) Organelles
Chapter 3: The Molecules of Cells (Started on September 23rd) 
September 26, 2019
1) Enzymes
September 25, 2019

 1) dehydration synthesis
2) hydrolysis
3) hydrophilic
4) hydrophobic
5) denaturation

Chapter 2: The Chemical Basis of Life
September 12, 2019 

1) Polar molecule 
2) Polar covalent bond
3) Non-polar molecule
4) Cohesion
5) Adhesion 

2018 - 2019 School Year 

May 13, 2019
 The Respiratory System
1) Respiration
2) alveoli
May 3, 2019
1) Phylogeny
2) Adaptive radiation
3) Punctuated equilibrium
4) Radiometric dating

 Chapter 14
The Origin of Species
1) Taxonomy
2) Allopatric Speciation
3) Sympatric Speciation

Chapter 13

How Populations Evolve

April 24, 2019 
1) Analogous structure: body part that shares common function, but not common structure
2) Analogy
3) Convergent evolution
4) (moratorium)
April 23, 2019
1) polymorphism
2) sexual dimorphism
3) founder effect
4) heterozygote  advantage

April 22, 2019
1) Genetic drift
2) artificial selectio
3) stabilizing selection
4) directional selection
5) Diversifying selection

April 19, 2019
 1) Species
2) Speciation
3) vestigial structures
4) gene pool

1) Evolutionary Adaptations
2) Evolution
3) Biogeography
4) Homologous structures

Chapter 11, 2019
April 1, 2019
1) Signal Transduction pathway
2) Oncogene
3) proto-oncogene 
March 21, 2019
1) X- Chromosome inactivation
2) Transcription Factor
3) Enhancers
4) Homeotic Genes
March 20, 2019
1) Promoter
2) Operon
3) Regulatory Gene
March 19, 2019
1) Stem Cells
2) Clone
3) Histones
4) Nucleosome
March 12, 2019  
1) Virus
2) provirus
3) Retrovirus
March 11, 2019
1) mutagen
2) lytic cycle
3) Lysogenic cycle
4) prophage
Friday, March 8, 2019
1) DNA ligase
2) Promoter
Tuesday, March 6 2019
1) anticodon
2) rRNA
3) tRNA
4)DNA polymerase
5) RNA polymerase
Monday, March 4, 2019
1) codon
2) mRNA
Friday, March 1, 2019
1) bacteriaphage
2) transcription
Thursday, February 28, 2019
1) Nucleic acids
2) DNA 
3) RNA
4) Nucleotides 

Thursday, February 21, 2019
1) Linked genes
2) Polyploid cell 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

1) Polgenic inheritance
2) Pleiotropy

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
1) Sex-linked or X-linked 
2) Monoecious
3) Hermaphroditic
Monday, February 11, 2019
1) Incomplete dominance
2) Codominance

Wednesday, February 6, 2019
 1) Monohybrid cross
2) Dihybrid cross
3) Testcross
4) Chorionic villus sampling
5) Amniocentesis

Thursday, January 31, 2019
Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance
1) Heterozygous
2) Homozygous
3) Truebreeding
4) hybrid
5) Genotype 
6) Phenotype 
( Although not added to the list of vocabulary words, it is very important to understand the dominant and recessive traits and how they are written in the genotype.)

 Chapter 8: The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance
Second Semester Starts Monday, January 28, 2019

Wednesday, January 30, 2019
 1) Deletion 
2) Duplication 
(both words are in reference to the chromosomes) 
Tuesday, January 29, 2019 1) karyotype
2) Inversion
3) Translocation
4) Tetrad
Monday, January 28, 2019
 All the words from January 10, 2019 (Chapter 8) are still relevant for the rest of Chapters 8 and 9.
1) Crossing Over
2) Chiasma
3) Synapsis
4) Non Disjunction.
5) Allele

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 
 1) Locus
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
1) Autosomes
2) Homologous chromosome
3) Germ cells
4) Meiosis

Monday, January 14, 2019
1) Cytokinesis
2) Kinetochore
3) anchorage dependence
4) density-dependent inhibition

Friday, January 11, 2019
 1) Parthenogenesis
2) Cell Cycle
3) Mitosis
4) Chromatin
5) Sister chromatid
6) Somatic Cell

The following words from the chapter on sex education are also relevant for this chapter:
1) gamete
2) diploid cell
3) Haploid cell
Thursday, January 10, 2019

1) Cell division
2) Binary fission
3) chromosome
4) Asexual reproduction
5) Sexual reproduction
6) Regeneration

Chapter 7 Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food
Friday, November 30, 2018
1) RuBP ( Ribulose biphosphate)
2) Rubisco (Ribulose biphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase)
3) PGA (phosphoglycerate)
4) G3P ( glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate)
Do the following words at home:
1) reaction center
2) electron acceptor
3) C3 plants
4) C4 plants
5) CAM Plants
Thursday, November 29, 2018
 1) Photophosphorylation
2) photorespiration
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 
1) Photon
2) Calvin Cycle
4) Electromagnetic spectrum
Tuesday, November 27, 2018  
1) Photosynthesis
2) The Light Reaction
3) Carbon fixation
4) mesophyll cells
5) stomata / stoma (singular)

Chapter 6: How Cells Process Chemical Energy

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
1) BMR
2) Vitamins

Friday, November 9, 2018
1) Strict anaerobe
2) Facultative anaerobe
3) Fermentation

Wednesday, November 7, 2018
1) Calorie
2) calorimeter

Tuesday, November 6, 2018
1) ATP synthase
2) Strict aerobe

Friday, November 2, 2018
1) substrate level phosphorylation
2) Intermediates
3) Chemiosomosis
4) Producers - autotroph
5) consumers - heterotroph

Thursday, November 1, 2018
1) Redox reaction
2) Oxidation
3) Reduction
4) dehydrogenase
5) NAD+  

6) FAD+
  Thursday, October 25, 2018
1) phagocytosis
2) pinocytosis
3) receptor mediated endocytosis

Wednesday, October 24, 2018
1) facilitated diffusion
2) osmoregulation
3) hypotonic solution
4) hypertonic solution
5) Isotonic solution
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
1) Diffusion
2) Osmosis
3) Active transport
4) Passive transport

Friday, October 19, 2018
1) negative feedback
2) positive feedback
3) selectively permeable
4) impermeable
( competitive and noncompetive inbibitors
and cofactor and coenzymes not added .  These were already discussed in great details in class yesterday)

Thursday, October 18, 2018

1) energy of activation ( activation energy)

2) Enzymes
3) substrate
4) active site

Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Chapter  5 Vocabulary
1) phosphorylation
2) energy coupling
3) Cellular metabolism

Chapter 4 Vocabulary

Thursday, October 4, 2018
1) Chromatin
2) cell junction
3) plasmodesma

Wednesday, October 3, 2018
1) Organelle
2) Endomembrane system

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

1) Prokaryotic cell
2) Eukaryotic cell
3) Resolving Power

Chapter 3, 2018 Vocabulary

Monday, September 24, 2018

1) Enzymes
2) denaturation
3) peptide bonds

Friday, September 21, 2018

1) triglycerides
2) phopholipids
3) hydrogenation
4) arhterosclerosis

Thursday, September 20, 2018

1) Functional group

2) hydrophilic
3) hydrophobic
4) dehydration syntheisis
5) hydrolysis

Wednesday, September 19, 2018 

1) saturated hydrocarbons
2) unsaturated hydrocarbons
3) isomers 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

1) Organic compounds
2) hydrocarbons

Chapter 2

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
1) Covalent bond
2) polar covalent bond
3) Buffer
4) chemical reaction

Tuesday, September 11, 2018
1) cohesion
2) adhesion
3) aqueous solution

Please review words from the chemistry course:
1) protons,
2) neutrons,
3) electrons
4) ions
5) isotopes
7) molecules
8) isotopes
9) atomic number
10) mass number
11) solute
12) solvent
13) pH
14) acid
15) base/ alkaline

End of 2017 - 2018 School Year
Chapter 21, 2018
 June 1, 2018
 The vocabulary words for the chapter will be given in class.

Chapter 22: Respiration: The Exchange of Gases
May 17, 2018
1) hemoglobin
2) buffer
3) hyperventilating
4) respiratory surface

May 15, 2018
1)  emphysema
2) diaphragm
3) vital capacity
4) medulla oblongata
5) pons

May 14, 2018
1) respiration
2) trachea (singular)/ tracheae ( plural)
3)  ventilation
4) alveolus (singular)/ alveoli plural
5) oxygen rich blood/ oxygenated blood
6) oxygen poor blood/ deoxygenated blood

Chapters 14 and 15.The Origin of Species and Tracing Evolutionary History.
1) Taxonomy
2) Phylogeny
3) convergent evolution
4) cladogram
5) parsimony

Chapter 13: How Populations Evolve.
April 26, 2018
1) Polymorphism
2) Sexual dimorphism
3) Founder effect
4) heterozyote advantage

April 25, 2018
1) stablizating selection
2) diversifying /disruptive selection
3) directional selection

April 24, 2018
1) genetic drift
2) gene pool
3) artificial selection
4) strata

April 23, 2108
1) species
2) speciation
3) vestigial structures

April 20, 2018
1) Evolution
2) Evolutionary adaptations
3) national selection

Chapter 12: DNA Technology and the Human Genome

April 10, 2018
1) Plasmid
2) conjugation
3) Restriction enzyme
4) transduction

Chapter 11: The Control of Gene Expression
April 4, 2018
1) embryonic stem cells
April 3, 2018
1) X Chromosome inactivation
2) homeotic gene
3) homeoboxes
5) signal transduction pathway

April 2, 2018
1) Differentiation
2) Regeneration
3) histones
4) nucleosome
5) Adult stem cells

Chapter 10; Molecular Biology of the Gene
March 19, 2018
1) HIV

March 16, 2018
1) Lytic cycle
2) Lysogenic cycle
3) Prophage
4) Retrovirus
5) Reverse transcriptase
6) translocation

March 15, 2018
1) DNA polymerase
2) DNA ligase

March 14, 2018
1) exom
2) intron
3) terminator

March 12, 2018
1) rRNA
2) tRNA
3) Anticodon
March 9, 2108
1) codon
2) RNA polymerase
3) Promoter

 Review the functions of the following organelles from chapter 4
a) nucleus
b) nuclear envelope
c) ribosomes
d) rough ER
e) Golgi apparatus

March 8, 2018
1) bacteriophage
2) transcription
3) Translation

March 7, 2018
1) Nucleic Acid
2) DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid)
3) RNA (ribonucleic acid)
4) nucleotide
5) virus

Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance
February 21, 2018
1) pleiotropy
2) linked traits
3) recombinant frequency

February 20, 2018
1) Polygenic inheritance
2) Sex-linked / X-linked gene

February 13, 2018
1) Amniocentesis
2) Chorionic Villus Sampling
3) Codominance
4) Incomplete dominance.

February 12, 2018
1) Parent Generation ( P generation)
2) F1 Generation ( First filial generation)
3) F2 Generation ( First filial generation)

 Chapter 8: The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance
February 7, 2018
Words introduced from chapter 9:
1) Truebreeding
2) hybrid
3) self fertilization
4) cross fertilization
5) test cross

February 5, 2018
1) Allele
2) Karyotype
3) Trisomy 21
4) Heterzygous
5) Translocation ( as it relates to meiosis)
The following words are relevant but not included due to ease of understanding.  They are related to crossing over:
a) deletion
b) duplication
c) inversion

 February 2, 2018
1) crossing over
2) locus
3) chiasma
4) non-disjunction
5) Independent assortment
6) synapsis

February 1, 2018
1) autosomes
2) Somatic cell
3) Germ cell
4) meiosis
5) homologous chromosome
The following words were covered during the sex education unit, but are relevant for genetics:
a) diploid
b) haploid
c) fertilization
d) zygote

January 31, 2018

1) Kinetochore
2) anchorage dependence
3) density dependent inhibition
4) benign tumor
5) malignant tumor
6) metastasis

January 30, 2018

1) parthenogenesis
2) Cell Cycle
3) Mitosis
4) Chromatin
5) Cytokinesis

January 29, 2018

1) binary fission
2) regeneration
3) cell division
4) chromosome

 Chapter 7 Photosynthesis

January 16, 2018
1) photophosphorylation
2) Rubisco
3) Ozone layer
4) photorespiration
5) glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate (G3P)

January 11, 2018

1) photosystem
2) reaction center
3) primary electron acceptor

January 10, 2018

1) Electromagnetic energy
2) photolysis
3) photon
5) Calvin Cycle

January 9, 2018

1) mesophyll
2) Thylakoid
3) granum/ grana
4) light reaction

January 8, 2018
1) Autotroph
2) stomata
3) carbon fixation
4) heterotroph

 Chapter 6 Vocabulary words:

November 15, 2017

1) strict aerobe
2) facultative anaerobe
3) alcohol fermentation
4) Lactic acid fermentation.

November 8, 2017
1) glycolysis
2) Substrate level phosphorylation
3) chemiosmosis
4) intermediates

November 7, 2017
1) Redox reaction
2) oxidation
3) Reduction
4) dehdrogenase
5) NAD+
6) FADH+
Chapter 5  Vocabulary Words

October 31, 2017

1) Phagocytosis
2) Pinocytosis
3) Receptor-mediated endocytosis
4) hypercholesterolemia
October 30, 2017

1) hypertonic solution
2) hypotonic solution
3) Isotonic solution 

October 26, 2017
1) passive transport
2) active transport
3)facilitated diffusion
4) Osmoregulation

October 25, 2017

1) Selective permeability
2) Impermeable
3) phospholipids
4) fluid mosaic
5) diffusion
6) osmosis

October 24, 2017
1) active site
2) competitive inhibition
3) non-competitive inhibition
4) negative feedback
5) cofactor
6) coenzyme

October 23, 2017
1) Enzyme
2) substrate
3) substrate level phosphorylation
4) energy coupling
5) energy of activation/ activation energy
6) phosphorylation

 October 20, 2017
1) Energy
2)Potential energy
3) Kinetic energy
4) Chemical energy
5) Endergonic reaction
6) Exergonic reaction

Date 10/19/17

1) The First Law of Thermodynamics
2) The Second Law of Thermodynamics
3) Entropy
4) Metabolism


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