Thursday, May 21, 2020

Happy Memorial Day

Have a great Memorial Day weekend.  - San Diego open for dine in restaurants and in-store retail shops. 

Next week there will be a Zoom Meeting on Wednesday and Friday.  During the meeting, there will be an educational interactive activity.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Reading Assignments and Attendance

Some students asked that the work be listed in Google classroom because they receive notifications when new assignments are posted. Therefore, most of the details will be posted there.  
Also, make certain to log into Google classroom. Attendance will be taken based on your participation. 

Monday, May 18, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Changes going forward.

It has been a challenge figuring out how to proceed with teaching and learning during the current lockdown.  Some students have signed up to study biology during their senior year, some are interested in learning, and some will major in biology in college. As a result, lessons will be posted here and in Google Classroom for those students who are interested.  
Zoom meetings will continue and we can discuss the material posted but you will not have to upload any completed assignments.  The rationale was explained to the students who attended the Zoom meeting this morning.

Good luck on your AP exams.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Timeline Assignment.

The second and final part of the assignment is available in Google Classroom.  Due date Friday, May 8th.  Please upload to the specific Timeline folder.

Zoom meeting

Meeting open to anyone from 5th or 3rd Period.  The information is listed in both Google classrooms. It will start at 10 am on Friday, May 8th.
The assignments for next week will be explained so that there is no misunderstanding of what is expected.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Zoom Meeting

A Zoom meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 10am. This meeting is being conducted during the time frame allotted for 3rd period.  It was decided by their class that we would have another class meeting.
 Anyone from 5th Period can join if you would like.  You can contact someone from 3rd period for the code, email me or text me at the Google voice phone number.  The Google Voice Phone number has been posted in Google classroom.

Work assigned on Mondays and Wednesdays are due Fridays of the same week. There will be a specific folder for each week.

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Monday, May 4, 2020

Geologic / Biologic Time Line.

Create a timeline to show the development of 4.6 billion year old Earth.  Create a timeline to show how the development of Earth. Divide the timeline into geologic and biologic events.  Use pictures and words in your design.
One person mentioned that she is unable to open the flipchart in Google Classroom.  Therefore, I am adding the list for the timeline here.

Geologic Event                                                                                       Biologic Events
1) most reason ice age                                                                            Neanderthal
2) Rocky mountain                                                                                 bacteria
3) formation of rivers                                                                              flowering plants
4) formation of the Earth                                                                        amphibians
5) available oxygen 20%                                                                        moss
6)water                                                                                                    seed bearing plants
7) available oxygen 2 %                                                                         fish
8) increasing levels of oxygen                                                               dinosaurs
9)the Grand Canyon                                                                               small mammals
10)the ice age                                                                                          birds
11) land bridge between N & S America                                                hominids
12) formation of Pangea                                                                          animals with hard shells
13) extensive coal deposits                                                                      reptiles
14) an atmosphere and hydrosphere                                                        land animals
15) break up of Pangea                                                                            land plants
16) separation of Antarctica and Australia                                              monkeys
17) formation of the Himalayas                                                               soft-bodied animals