Thursday, December 17, 2020

Season's Greetings

 Wishing you a fun and relaxing holiday.  With most of the drama behind us let's make 2021 a great year.  .

Hope I will get to meet you in the New Year.

Cheers to you and your family

The Working Cell

 The Plasma Membrane

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Tour of the Cell

 Check Google classroom for work due on Thursday, December 10th.

The class took notes on the functions of the organelles.

 "Seeing is believing." The invention of the microscope made it possible to see cells and millions of tiny living organisms that are everywhere.

In 1665 Robert Hook used an early microscope to look at a thin slice of cork, the dead cells of oak bark. What he saw looked like rooms, which he called cells.  The microscope was developed from eyeglass markers ideas in the late 1500 who realized that using several glass lenses magnified things.

The Light Microscope allows light to pass through a specimen and uses two lenses to form an image.  Light waves are scattered as they pass through material.  Therefore light microscopes can magnify up to about 1000 times.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Nutrient Testing Lab

 Please upload the lab reports to the appropriate folder. You now have access to them in Google Classroom.