Thursday, January 31, 2019

Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance.

Image result for patterns of inheritance

Introduction to inherited patterns. Explanation of:
a) homozygous and heterzygous
b) dominant and recessives traits
c) phenotypes and genotypes
c) pedigree charts and Punnett squares
d) Image for a man: Click on link       Man

e) Image for a woman: Click on the link   Woman

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Final Schedule

First Semester Finals;

Schedule: January 23, 2019 - Period 2
                January 25, 2019 -  Period 5

The final is a multiple choice exam.  The study guide is available on the PLHS home work page.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Chapter 8 Partial

Chapter 8 will be graded during class.  The remainder of the packet will be done at the start of second semester. 

Friday, January 11, 2019


We will discuss cell division and examine the stages of mitosis.

 Image result for stages of mitosisTelophase and cytokinesis are usually listed together at the end of mitosis.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Cellular Reproduction and Genetics

Welcome to Genetics

We will start the unit by studying Cellular Reproduction.  The unit has a lot of new vocabulary words that are not used elsewhere.  Do not wait, rather start studying the vocabulary words daily.

Binary Fission of a Prokaryotic Cell:

Image result for binary fission

Sexual Reproduction:
Image result for sexual reproduction in sperm and egg

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Sex Education Packet is Due.

The packet will be graded.

In addition, we will discuss parthenogenesis in the Komodo dragon, gene editing research, DNA expression.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Taking Inventory

Happy New Year!!

The sex education packet is due tomorrow.  The packet will be graded and a grade will be entered. 
The following day, Wednesday, January you will take the open-book sex education test.

During class you will fill out the Taking Inventory, and My Personal Health Plan worksheets.