I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Period 1: I might be late to the Zoom meeting. Please log into Google Classroom for instructions.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Period 1: I might be late to the Zoom meeting. Please log into Google Classroom for instructions.
Read through the notes and memorize the new vocabulary words. Doing so will help with the understanding of the chapter. The fill in the blank pages that correspond to the notes have been posted in Google classroom. Please attempt the questions before class tomorrow.
The first fifteen minutes of class will be spent explaining how to write a lab report.
We will continue to discuss the versatility of the hydrocarbon leading into the introduction of the macromolecules.
The 4 Macromolecules"
1) Carbohydrates
2) Protein
3) Lipids
4) Nucleic Acid
You will fill out the answers based on the demonstration of the lab. No formal lab write up is required for this lab.
The class will end with the PowerPoint presentation.